Cashier's Office

The Cashier's Office at 霍金的大学

出纳处负责与货币有关的任何服务或交易, 像学费, 膳食计划, and residence hall payments, 和更多的!

Don't know who you should talk to about paying tuition, getting on a housing repayment plan, or paying for your 膳食计划? 

For anything involving financial transactions, but specifically the following three items, talk to the Cashier's Office!


在霍金 大学 十大网赌网站大全了解您在教育方面的财务投资,十大网赌网站大全的目标是帮助您确定最佳的财务方案来支付您的教育费用.

经济一揽子计划可能包括经济援助,学生自付,或两者的结合. 请探索以下选项,以确定最适合您的需求. 经验丰富的财务援助代表可以帮助您完成此过程.

回顾学费 & 费用

膳食计划 Payment

学生的膳食计划被载入了十大网赌网站大全的id (Hawkcard)。. Hawkcard可以在位于John Light Hall二楼的鹰巢餐厅像借记卡一样刷卡.

住宿学生每学期需要购买一份膳食计划. Each 膳食计划 offers two spending options.

审查 膳食计划s

学生宿舍 Payment

作为俄亥俄州唯一一所提供大学宿舍的两年制学院, 十大网赌网站大全很高兴为你提供一次独特的经历.

Although living on campus is not required, 许多学生利用这个教育和娱乐的机会.

By becoming part of our living learning communities, 您的学术体验将通过可用的支持服务和在校园里利用大量可用资源的便利而得到增强.

审查 On 校园房屋

学生 Parking Permit

学生 permits are $106 all year, meaning it is for the summer, 秋天, and spring semesters for that academic year. 在Summit和Sycamore公寓也需要这些学生许可.

Reserved parking permits are $150 for all year. 所有想把车停在霍金高地的学生, Downhour, 和北楼宿舍需要购买预留的停车证. 预留的停车证以先到先得的方式处理.

所有的停车证将在夏季学期开始出售. These parking permits are non-refundable.

Permits can be obtained in the Cashier's Office.

学生s are required to complete a Vehicle Information Form 当他们购买第一个停车牌照或更换车辆时.


学生可以在指定的学生停车场停车. 看到 霍金的大学 Campus Parking Brochure for exact locations.


1098 t形式

您的1098T表格将以电子形式或打印形式邮寄到您在系统中的地址. 1098T表格将于1月31日开始供查阅和邮寄. Please follow the instructions below:

For electronic access:

To give your consent to view your 1098T electronically:
  1. 登录到 自助服务 (with your User ID and Password). If you have misplaced your User ID or Password, call 740.753.6113.
  2. On the "学生s" menu, click on "1098T Tax Information & Electronic Consent" under Financial Information Menu. 您将进入同事自助服务的税务信息页面.
  3. Click on the 1098 Information Tab
  4. Click on the Change Preferences button.
  5. 单击要选择的选项上方的单选按钮
  6. Click the Save button
To view 1098T form:
  1. 登录到 自助服务 (with your User ID and Password); If you have misplaced your User ID or Password, call 740.753.6113.
  2. On the "学生s" menu, click on "1098T Tax Information & Electronic Consent" under Financial Information Menu. 您将进入同事自助服务的税务信息页面.
  3. Click on the 1098 Information Tab
  4. Select the 1098T Statement you wish to access
  5. You can then print the form.
For printed 1098T form to be mailed to your address:
  1. 登录到 自助服务 (with your User ID and Password). If you have misplaced your User ID or Password, call 740.753.6113.
  2. On the "学生s" menu, click on "1098T Tax Information & Electronic Consent" under Financial Information Menu. 您将进入同事自助服务的税务信息页面.
  3. Click on the 1098 Information Tab
  4. Click on the Change Preferences button.
  5. 单击要选择的选项上方的单选按钮
  6. Click the Save button

If t在这里 is no electronic consent on file, 一份打印的表格将被邮寄到你的家庭地址存档. You have the ability to change your choice at any time.

1098 t常见问题

What is the 1098T Form?


Do I need this form to file my tax return?


Why is my payment not showing in this statement?

各院校可以在方框1中报告历年内收到的款项,也可以在方框2中报告历年内收取的款项. 十大网赌网站大全在日历年度报告账单金额, showing in Box 2, not the amount you paid.


如果你在上一年的12月31日之前注册了春季学期, the amount was included on your previous year's 1098T.

I did not receive my 1098T form, how can I get one?

You can login to 自助服务 using your username and password. 你的1098T表格可以在财务信息部分找到. 如果您没有您的用户名和密码,请致电帮助台 740.753.6113 and they will be happy to assist you. 由于FERPA的规定,这些信息将只提供给学生.


Other Cashier's Services

为免延误处理您的要求,请直接与所列电话号码联络. 留下你的姓名、电话号码和简短的留言,如果有必要的话. Please allow 24 hours for a return call.

Current Semester Payment Plan 740.753.7029
Make a payment/account Inquiry 740.753.7029
Past-due accounts 740.753.7029
Third-party sponsors 740.753.6561

You can also call the main Cashier's Office 740.753.7029 with questions about:

  • 学生 Accounts
  • 零用现金
  • 在校园 Housing Deposit
  • Adding Money to a 膳食计划
  • Semester Payment Plan
  • Direct Deposit Information

登记 Payment

  • Full payment upon registration
  • Full 金融援助
  • Full Third Party
  • 参加十大网赌网站大全学期付款计划(30美元不可退还的注册费)
  • Combination of the above

审查 Pay For 大学 for directions on making payment to the college.



Withdraw Information

The financial obligation for registration will be 取消了 只有当学生在学期开始前正式遵循退学程序时:

Complete a withdrawal form, available at the Registrar's Office, located on the 学生 Services Concourse, first floor of Light Hall, 253房间.

Mail the completed form to:

Registrar's Office
John Light Hall 184
3301 Hocking Parkway
Nelsonville, OH 45764


电子邮件: from the student's 霍金的大学 email.

Include in the body of the email:

  1. 第一个 & 姓
  2. 学生证号码或社会安全号码后4位
  3. 出生日期
  4. Current Mailing Address
  5. The Term From Which They Are Withdrawing

Withdrawal will be official the date 电子邮件或退学表在注册办公室或部门的学生学术协调员处收到.

此日期也用于确定宿舍费用的任何调整(如果适用)。. For questions, call 740.753.7007. 学生 如果他/她没有按照提款程序提款,他/她对账户上的任何费用负责吗.

Room Charges (If withdrawing from college):

Before Start term (or Smart Start): 100 percent adjustment 除了 存款
第一个 day of term up to the 15th calendar day of the term: 85 percent adjustment 除了 存款
After the 15th calendar day of the term:


Refund Information


霍金的大学 提供您的退款与银行移动支付,一个技术解决方案,由BMTX, Inc. 访问 this link for more information: 

要查看十大网赌网站大全的第三方服务合同退款管理,请点击 在这里.



  • 在课程的第一次会议日期之前,退款的处理率为100%. 在课程的第一次会议日期之后,将不予退款.
  • 时间表的变化可能会导致额外的费用或记入学生的帐户

Contact the Cashier's Office

Concourse, John Light Hall
3301 Hocking Parkway
Nelsonville OH 45764


Monday - Friday
8:00 am to 5:00 pm

通过教育开始你人生的下一个阶段似乎令人望而生畏. That's why we're 在这里 to help every step of the way.

Become a 学生
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