Please contact the Cashiers Office at 740.753.7029 to pay your Application Fee and Security Deposit.
如果在开课前30天内取消宿舍,押金不予退还, 如果在宿舍报告损坏或退房时房间丢失物品.
作为俄亥俄州唯一提供大学宿舍的两年制学院之一, Hocking College is excited to provide you with a unique experience. Although living on campus is 不 required, many students take advantage of this fun and educational opportunity.
By becoming part of our living-learning communities, 您的学术体验将通过可用的支持服务和在校园里利用大量可用资源的便利而得到增强.
The 山坡住宅村, 位于校园内, 是由霍金高地组成的吗, 下小时大厅和北大厅.
北楼(供男学生使用)和下行楼(供女学生使用)位于校园西侧, directly behind John Light and Oakley halls. The rooms are 12 by 21 feet and are $2,840 a semester. 其他设施包括:
霍金高地是十大网赌网站大全最初的宿舍楼,经历过许多不同的构造. 目前,霍金山庄是一个全男性宿舍,主要是十大网赌网站大全的学生运动员.
The Riverside Residential Village, located across the river in Nelsonville, 由Sycamore和Summit大厅组成,提供半独立的生活,包括宿舍的价格.
Sycamore Hall位于校外,直接离开了hockingadena自行车道.
Please contact the Cashiers Office at 740.753.7029 to pay your Application Fee and Security Deposit.
如果在开课前30天内取消宿舍,押金不予退还, 如果在宿舍报告损坏或退房时房间丢失物品.请预留48-72个工作时间处理您的住房申请. 一旦办理完毕,申请费和保证金将被寄到您的账户 自助服务帐户.
All eligible students who have applied for housing before June 1, 将会收到, via their Hocking College email, 他们的房屋分配, 室友的信息, 及时入住.
Room assignments will 不 be made until these fees have been paid.
If payment is made with a credit card a $5 processing fee will be applied.
一旦您的住房申请被处理(请在提交申请后的48-72个工作小时内), the application fee and security deposit will be posted to your 自助服务帐户 w在这里 you can pay via credit card or in-person by check. If payment is made with a credit card a $5 processing fee will be applied.
Room assignments will 不 be made until these fees have been paid.
押金是可以退还的,但要看租期结束时房间的状况. 如果合同成功履行,保证金将记入申请人的住房费用. 如果有退款,退款将邮寄到学院存档的地址.
押金如取消,可在首个入住期内退还; 在写作中, 是否在申请人所申请的学期首日前30天收到.
The security deposit will be refunded through BankMobile Disbursements, 技术解决方案, BMTX供电, 公司. if the contract is successfully fulfilled. 访问 this link for more information: http://bankmobiledisbursements.com/refundchoices/.
学生必须满足所有资格要求,并支付250美元的保证金, 全额, before a room assignment will be made.
十大网赌网站大全的应用程序允许您指出您的第一,第二和第三偏好的宿舍. It also allows you to indicate a preferred roommate (roommate requests must be mutual, one from each roommate). The application process includes a roommate matching questionnaire. It is very important that the student complete the questionnaire and 不 父.
*Please 不e that you are 不 able to request suitemates, only roommates.
住在宿舍的学生每周至少要吃14顿饭. This meal plan includes $100 in Hawk Bucks, which can be used at Rhapsody音乐 & 餐厅, the college-owned restaurant located in downtown Nelsonville.
有一个可选的用餐计划,每周19顿饭,如果你想要额外的用餐,可以在Hawk Bucks上花150美元.
对于膳食计划定价, download this information sheet.
No. 由于COVID-19大流行, 居住在十大网赌网站大全的学生在任何时候都不能允许访客进入他们的宿舍或指定的宿舍. Residence halls are limited to the individuals who live in them, 而单独的宿舍只允许被分配到该房间的人居住. 你不允许有客人在你的房间,即使他们住在你的宿舍.
Student permits are good for one term only. 秋季和春季学期的学费为53美元,夏季学期为35美元,并且是不可退还的. Permits can be obtained in the 收银员的办公室. Students are required to complete a 车辆资料表格 when they purchase their first parking tag or change vehicles. 学生许可证通过贴在前挡风玻璃(驾驶员侧)左下角的贴纸按学期进行识别。. Students are permitted to park in designated student parking areas. 看到 Hocking College Campus Parking Brochure 查看确切位置.
Television services vary depending on the residence hall.
Nelsonville TV Cable Complete Channel Listing
Students wishing to obtain additional cable TV services, 比如数字电缆, premium channels or additional internet for streaming or gaming, may contact Nelsonville TV Cable at 740-753-2686. 这个号码也可以用来联系尼尔森维尔电视电缆公司的客户支持.
宿舍申请将按照收到申请的顺序处理,并支付所需费用. Students are encouraged to apply 六至七个月 在学期开始之前.
建议不迟于学期开始前至少两个月提交申请. However, t在这里 is no official deadline for application.
室友分配使用各种信息和空间可用性. 住宿生活主任将尽一切努力满足双方的要求.
有室友问题? 查看十大网赌网站大全的 校园生活手册, w在这里 you'll find some helpful tips for conflict resolution. Also, don't hesitate to reach out to the Residence Life staff.
Under certain circumstances, your contract may be appealed. 请参阅您的住房合同了解更多信息,并填写申诉表格 在这里.
在提交住房申请时,需要支付60美元的不可退还申请费. Financial aid can不 be used to cover this fee.
在分配房间之前,必须全额支付250美元的押金. Financial aid can不 be used to cover this fee.
如果在开课前30天内取消宿舍,押金不予退还, 如果在宿舍报告损坏或退房时房间丢失物品.任何注册了至少12个学时的新学生都要提交一份住房