The Academic Success Center


  • Tutoring
  • Library Resources
  • Learning Labs: Centers for Excellence
  • Accessibility Resources
  • Trio Student Support Services
  • Testing Center

Free Tutoring

Walk-in and by appointment

Virtual and in-person tutoring

Location and contact information in document link below


  • What are the Library's hours (Fall/Spring)?
    *  Monday - Thursday: 7:30 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
     * Friday: 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
     * Saturday and Sunday: Noon - 5:00 p.m.
  • What are the Library's Summer hours?
        * Monday - Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
  • Access to OhioLINK patron cards
  • Computers and printing available 
  • Quiet places to study
  • Contact for more information: 740-753-6332 or

Learning Labs: Centers for Excellence


要联系卓越数学中心,请致电亚当·菲利普斯 740-753-6498 or email

To contact the A&P/Nursing Center for Excellence, call Jeffrey Moore at 740-753-6469 or email

Accessibility Resources


根据1990年《十大网赌网站大全》(ADA), 十大网赌网站大全将对其做法做出合理的修改,并根据需要提供某些个性化的服务和便利,以确保不因残疾而受到歧视.

Who is eligible?

资格将根据残疾的存在和需要的住宿来确定,以支持平等的教育机会. Students with permanent, 慢性或暂时性残疾被认为有资格注册无障碍资源.

What documentation is required?

需要提供残疾证明文件,其中可能包括IEP/504计划或合格医疗机构出具的指明残疾的信函, 描述该残疾的功能限制, 其中包括大学环境中的住宿建议.

Will my documentation be held confidential?


When should I request accommodations?

希望请求住宿的学生不应延迟联系无障碍资源. 及时是很重要的,因为住宿不能追溯.

What accommodations are provided?

住宿是在个性化的基础上确定的,可能包括一个安静的测试区, extended time for tests, a reader on exams, ASL, CART, closed captioning, audio recording of lectures, and others. 学生必须与无障碍资源工作人员会面,以确定大学级别最合适的住宿.


无障碍资源工作人员可以为学生提供支持需求,包括建议, 为学生提供教学指导,并与学院教师和职员保持联系,以促进学生的福利.

How do I request services?

想要了解更多信息或要求残疾相关服务和住宿的学生或准学生应与DVD 114中的无障碍资源工作人员会面, phone 740-753-7104, or email


Hocking College supports you in your right to file a grievance 当你认为你在适当的住宿方面被剥夺了平等的机会, modifications, 辅助工具或有效沟通或遭受歧视性骚扰如1973年康复法案第504条所述, The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, 或俄亥俄州行政法典4125-09:高等教育机构对残疾人的歧视.

TRIO Student Support Services

The mission of the Trio Student Support Services program at Hocking College is to provide student-centered support, thus increasing persistence, retention, 第一代和/或低收入家庭的毕业率,他们可能没有机会或 personal support to complete post-secondary education. Download the TRiO Student Support Services application here. We can help you with the following:

  • Academic Advising
  • Tutoring (Peer and Professional)
  • Educational Counseling to improve Financial Literacy
  • Information and Assistance in applying for the FASFA
  • Transfer Assistance and Advising
  • Career Exploration and Preparation
  • Student Development Workshops

对TRiO服务感兴趣的学生可以联系TRiO主任, Molly Watson, at or by phone at 740-753-7159.

View TRiO's most recent Student Support Services newsletter.

三人组工作人员和服务的经费由美国提供.S. Department of Education.

What is the Trio Student Support Services (SSS) program?

TRIO SSS是一个由联邦政府资助的项目,为第一代和符合收入条件的大学生提供支持服务,目标是提高学生的成功和完成学位.


If a student is Pell eligible and/or 第一代大学生(父母都没有学士学位), then he/she/they can apply for the program. 寻求学位的学生(那些计划在十大网赌网站大全完成学位的学生),有一些学术需求,但有能力在帮助下获得学位,有资格参加该计划. 学生可以在完成入学流程并被确定为有资格参加该计划后被录取.

What services does TRiO SSS offer?

TRiO staff provide academic assistance, tutoring, 在专上课程选择(学位计划/课程安排)方面提供建议和协助, advising and coaching, 财务知识,信息和协助完成财政援助申请. TRiO的工作人员还参与学生的文化和教育实地考察,并协助学生完成转学过程,包括带学生参观校园.

Testing Center

What are the hours of the Testing Center?

Monday – Friday: 8 a.m.-4 p.m.

How do I register to take a test in the Testing Center?

Online tests are walk in. 请务必留出足够的时间在截止时间前完成考试. 补考由您的老师安排,可以在步行的基础上进行. Standardized tests such as HESI, tea和ACE是通过测试公司或协调机构安排的.

Can I listen to music?

Not during a test.

Can I use my laptop for testing?

Only with the approval of your instructor.

Contact: 740-753-4195 for more information.

通过教育开始你人生的下一个阶段似乎令人望而生畏. That's why we're here to help every step of the way.
Are you ready?

Become a Student